QUESTION: What is Optimum College?
ANSWER: Optimum College is a new kind of 21st century, online college designed to help you reach your optimum potential.
QUESTION: Why is there is a need for a new kind of 21st century college?
ANSWER: Countless voices from across the political, social and economic spectrum are calling for academic reform, Optimum College is simply answering the call to the best of our ability.
QUESTION: Can you give an example of a public call for academic reform?
ANSWER: Sure. One of countless example, this is a recent quote from Forbes columnist Michael Poliakoff, "On December 5, 2023, the public, perhaps more than at any prior time, began to fathom just how untethered our institutions of higher learning are from the values America generally endorses. This revelation, as disturbing and stunning as it was, also presents a rare opportunity to reclaim the values our colleges and universities once upheld. It could be the sea change, a chance to arrest the rapid slide toward illiberalism and enforced orthodoxy on campuses, stop the rampant indoctrination of students, wring out the bloat and wasteful spending associated with administrative regimes that police language and thought, fully grasp the urgency of free expression and heterodoxy, and return higher education to its core mission of seeking truth, welcoming all ideas and speech in an open forum, and, above all, teaching and learning unfettered by ideological preference." Source:
QUESTION: How is Optimum College a new kind of college?
ANSWER: One of our members recently said, "At other colleges you can ask questions but not question, at Optimum College you can". At other colleges if you disagree with the professor or textbook - if you disagree with orthodoxy - you will be punished through your grades, and so one of the most noticable differences between Optimum College and other colleges starts with grades, we don't have them, instead we have personalized letters of recommendation. That's because we don't just want our members to reiterate, we want our members to blaze new paths, to pioneer, to innovate. It's in our name, Optimum - to optimize. It's not just a word - it's a philosophy of constant improvement and refinement of what came before. At Optimum College we don't have lectures - we have conversations - because great ideas can come from anywhere. At Optimum College we know that the ability to memorize information is an outdated skill. You have access to all the world's information at your fingertips through the internet & artificial intelligence, and we trust you with that power, we want you to utilize that power. At Optimum College we understand that in the 21st century success is earned through proof of ability and effectiveness at communicating that ability, and our members know best the ability that they must prove & communicate to reach their optimum potential, and so all that is required to graduate from Optimum College is the completion of a suitable self-directed plan or project and public presentation of that plan or project. Why? because among others, Elon Musk, the world's most financially successful business leader, is on record saying he does not hire based on degrees, he hires based on proven ability. Elon hires based on pure merit - pure ability - for good reason. Many of the world's most successful business leaders, thinkers & doers - people like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg & Bill Gates - did not have a college degree, but they had a plan, they had a project, and they were able to effectively communicate that plan or project. The Wright Brothers? they did not have a college degree, but they had an airplane. Thomas Edison? He did not have college degree, but he had a light bulb. The builders of the Great Pyramids? College was not even invented yet but they had a plan. Michael Faraday had no college degree but he was one of the most influential scientists in history. It goes on and on. At other colleges, students learn from professors who have studied the achievements of others, but at Optimum College we encourage our members to learn from mentors who are active and achieving in the real world through their own plans & projects. Real world achievement is a philosophy we take to heart. Optimum College operates a real-world video game development studio, Optimum Studios, and before that we founded an American sports & fitness equipment manufacturing company utilized by NFL Super Bowl Champions, the US Military, PE Teachers of the Year and thousands of schools & active groups worldwide, FitSports® Optimum Sports Fitness. Our approach to academics at Optimum College is both timeless and revolutionary. Emmy Winner, Derrick Mains, host of The Convergence Podcast, called Optimum College a return to Plato's academic ideals and in many ways that is accurate. True to Plato's ideals, Optimum College is a community of colleagues. It's an approach to academics has garnered attention. at time of writing Optimum College is the most followed college on the world's fastest growing social media app, TikTok, with tens of thousands of followers and millions of views. In many ways, Optimum College is already leading academia, and we are just getting started.
QUESTION: What are you doing that is ground-breaking at Optimum College?
ANSWER: Optimum College was the first to simulate the 4 forces of physics from 1 equation, i.e. unified physics, i.e. "the holy grail of science": even acclaimed academic & business leader, Dr. Stephen Wolfram, called our unified physics simulation cool. Optimum College was the first to theorize a universal principle of optimization that simulates the abiogenic origin of not only life but all complex matter - it's a revolutionary concept that went viral on social media garnering millions of views before being endorsed years later by other more "established" academic institutes. Optimum College was the only academic institute to predict the "universe breaking galaxies" discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope. Optimum College was the first academic institute, to our knowledge, to present a roadmap to artificial general intelligence. Our theories and breakthroughs at Optimum College are ongoing.
QUESTION: How does Optimum College Work?
ANSWER: Optimum College is all about helping you reach your optimum potential quickly, affordably and efficiently. We call our graduates Certified Optimists, and you can graduate in under a month, and for less than the cost of just the textbooks at other colleges. Graduation is simple, but not easy: you must complete a suitable, self-directed plan or project and present it publicly. That's it. to help you complete your plan or project we offer the world's most advanced curriculum, a secure brainstorming forum and our network of mentors.
QUESTION: Can you tell me about the Optimum College game development studio, Optimum Studios?
ANSWER: Of course. Brick-and-mortar colleges have sports teams, and as an online college we wanted an equivalent, and so we founded a "decentralized" sports & fitness program: FitSports® Optimum Sports Fitness. During the lockdowns, when sports was unfeasible, we decided to turn FitSports® into a virtual reality program and Optimum Studios was born. As Optimum Studios progressed we decided to keep sports in the real-world and do something different in virtual reality. Our flagship title at Optimum Studios is Optimum Championship, the first narrative-driven fighting game for virtual reality platforms, and the first creator-driven video game. All the characters in Optimum Championship are based on real-world creators as they play "the myths and legends across all timelines". The first episode of Optimum Championship is currently available to the public for Meta Quest through the Sidequest platform.
QUESTION: Does Optimum College have a curriculum?
ANSWER: Yes. He have an exclusive "video-textbook" curriculum called The Optimum Theory of Everything, included with membership at Optimum College. Members are not required to utilize our curriculum, but it is there if they are interested.
QUESTION: Tell me about The Optimum Theory of Everything.
ANSWER: The Optimum Theory of Everything is a 2-hour "video-textbook" that covers everything from unified physics, to biogenesis, socio-economic systems and advanced technologies. It's a "big picture" theory designed to give a general understanding of how this universe operates. True to the name, The Optimum Theory of Everything is theory, and you are never required to agree with any of it to maintain your membership at Optimum College or to graduate, and if members are able to prove the theory wrong then we reform the theory - discussion and even argumentation is always okay at Optimum College. Fundamentally the concept behind our theory is simple, as one of our members said, "if life is a game then you must understand the rules to succeed": The Optimum theory of Everything is designed to give a first principles understanding of the rules of life starting with fundamental physics and working outward, and inward, to help our members reach their optimum potential.
QUESTION: Optimum College claims to be the first to simulation of the 4 forces of physics from 1 equation. Has that simulation been published publicly anywhere?
ANSWER: Yes, the video below explains how the simulation works. Hundreds have reproduced the simulation from that walk-through video and you can too.

QUESTION: You said that The Optimum Theory of Everything is exclusive to members at Optimum College, but can I sample it anywhere?
ANSWER: Sure. Below you can find an introduction to The Optimum theory of Everything video-textbook.
QUESTION: How was Optimum College founded?
ANSWER: Optimum College was founded by Gary Lee, previously an award-winning public education applied STEM Career & Technical education curriculum & athletics director. Gary was originally inspired to found Optimum College after watching a TED Talk that encouraged the development of new, modern academic models, and contemporary developments have only reinforced the need for an academic institute like Optimum College.
QUESTION: What does the Optimum College logo represent?
ANSWER: The Optimum College logo is a mathematical algorithm: it's a pattern that can be extended forever to create an infinite series of plus signs, and smaller downward pointing arrows subsumed by the larger upward pointing arrow. It's math, but it's also a metaphor. Your positively can create a chain-reaction that ripples outward forever, and pessimism, the negative forces in your life, can always be less than your optimism. This pattern, sometimes called Sierpinski's Triangle after the famed mathematician, appears all over in the world of mathematics. Here is an example, but there are many others: . Fun fact: our logo was liked by acclaimed academic Dr. Stephen Wolfram during a live webchat!
QUESTION: Does Optimum College own what I create at Optimum College?
ANSWER: No. You have full ownership over everything you create at Optimum College, including your self-directed plan or project.
QUESTION: What is the Optimum College conduct policy?
ANSWER: Optimum College members must be high school graduates. Members are required to follow U.S. law and not be a danger to themselves or others to maintain membership. Members are required to uphold any non-disclosure agreements they might be under; simply, Optimum College is not a place to share your company secrets. The Optimum Theory of Everything video-textbook, and anything posted to our forum, is copyright and cannot leave Optimum College without permission from the post creator(s).
QUESTION: Can I cancel my Optimum College membership at anytime?
ANSWER: Yes. You can cancel by logging in, clicking on your profile and selecting the "cancel membership" option. You can also email us and we can cancel your membership for you.
QUESTION: What is included with membership to Optimum College?
ANSWER: Membership to Optimum College includes the following:
Our 2+ hour video-textbook, The Optimum Theory of Everything.
Zoom conversation with Optimum College founder, Gary Lee.
Our private podcast with guests from diverse fields & backgrounds.
Our private members forum.
Our Certified Optimist program.
QUESTION: How long did it take to produce The Optimum Theory of Everything?
ANSWER: This edition took approximately 2-years to produce and approximately 10-years to research.
QUESTION: Is Optimum College accredited?
ANSWER: Similar to Princeton's prestigious Institute for Advanced Study (where Albert Einstein taught) We do not offer traditional degrees which is a requirement of accreditation & so Princeton's prestigious Institute for Advanced Study is not accredited, and neither are we.
QUESTION: Is employment guaranteed for those who graduate from Optimum College?
ANSWER: A Certified Optimist forges his or her own path which may or may not lead to employment.
QUESTION: I have more questions...
ANSWER: Contact us.